Kevin’s blog

Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.

Want to help Idaho roll out new education law? Here’s how

The State Department of Education wants help implementing the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act.

Video: The latest, grim college completion numbers

What do the new national numbers mean for Idaho, and what do they portend for the future? We have the breakdown here.

State Board spokesman: Idaho has work to do to hit 60 percent goal

A new national report reaffirms the need to focus on the state’s low college completion rate, State Board spokesman Blake Youde said Wednesday.

Nampa schools to offer all-day kindergarten

Parents will pay an additional cost of $2,160 for the year, the Idaho Press-Tribune reported.

Statewide meetings set on science standards

Lawmakers killed the 109-page standards earlier this year, claiming the public comment process was lacking.

This time, Otter signs student mobility bill

The law will provide $1 million to a handful of alternative and virtual schools. Otter vetoed a costlier student mobility bill in 2015.

AP: Agency wants more time to sort out broadband repayment issue

The state has paid out $29.7 million to Idaho Education Network vendors — and the Supreme Court says the state needs to demand its money back.

Joki steps down from West Ada school board

Russell Joki had been facing a May 17 recall election, but says he stepped down for personal reasons.

Otter signs $8 million broadband settlement bill

The signing now gives legislative leaders money to try to resolve one element of the Idaho Education Network meltdown.

Funding formula working group schedules first meeting

The “informational meeting” will be held Wednesday at the Statehouse.