Kevin’s blog
Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.
Idaho senators oppose new education secretary
The U.S. Senate voted to confirm new Education Secretary John King. The vote was 49-40.
After the filings: 10 legislative races to watch
Let’s sort through this year’s filings and focus on a few intriguing legislative races.
UPDATE: School funding group cancels first meeting
The working group’s first meeting was pre-empted by a House floor session.
‘Blaine Amendment’ debate rekindled — sort of
The House and Senate education committees will hear a presentation on the amendment, which prohibits putting state dollars into religious schools.
Idaho candidate filings (March 11, 7:22 p.m.)
Here’s our updated list of who’s running for key legislative seats.
A conversation about civility in the schools
The incivility of the 2016 presidential election has become a classroom topic, a Boise school administrator says. And that’s a teaching opportunity.
Tuesday’s elections: a presidential primary, school levies
Leaders of three North Idaho districts are apprehensive about running supplemental levies on the GOP presidential primary ballot.
Democratic leaders rip proposed K-12 budgets
The comments came two days after the proposals received unanimous, bipartisan backing in committee.
Bedke: Literacy should be Idaho’s top education priority
House Speaker Scott Bedke and Senate President Pro Tem Brent Hill also said on Tuesday they would back Donald Trump if he secures the GOP nomination.