Kevin’s blog

Boise district urges student immunizations

If a student contracts the measles, classmates without immunizations can be excluded from school for at least 21 days.

Broadband roundup: the 2.20.15 edition (w/video)

  A few quick hits on the ever-evolving Idaho Education Network saga:   Senate vote Monday. The Senate will take up the short-term broadband bailout bill Monday morning. House Bill 168 would earmark $3.6 million to reimburse school districts for short-term broadband contracts. The bill passed the House Thursday on a 68-1 vote. Coeur d’Alene goes…

Update: School broadband will remain online, for now

CenturyLink will not pull the plug on the beleaguered Idaho Education Network system this weekend, a company spokesman said Thursday.

Audio: Discussing the Idaho broadband fiasco

Boiling down the Idaho Education Network’s past — and the future of broadband in the high schools.

2008 — and the promise of ‘free’ broadband

When legislators approved the Idaho Education Network in 2008, they were told it would have no impact on the state’s general fund.

Crapo, Risch look to restore federal school payments

Schools in Idaho timber country now face about a $7 million drop in federal payments.

Broadband: Signs of legislative frustration

Lawmakers are growing increasingly frustrated with the Idaho Education Network fiasco. Here’s a weekend roundup.

State appeals broadband ruling

The motion buys the state a 14-day stay of Wednesday’s ruling to toss out out the Idaho Education Network contract.

Retired CEO makes push for pre-K in Idaho

John Pepper, former CEO of Procter and Gamble, will discuss early education at Boise State University Wednesday night.

Report: State parcels out $10 million a year in legal work

The state could save money by beefing up its attorney general’s office and keeping some of this work in-house, according to a new report.