Kevin’s blog

Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.

Campaign calendar: Sept. 15 update

Here’s what we know — so far — about debates and forums heading into Election Day. Stay tuned for updates.

Coeur d’Alene negotiations: an overview

One of the state’s largest school districts remains locked in a labor stalemate. Here’s where the situation stands.

Video: Making the Grade, 9.10.14

Today’s topics: State Department of Education bonuses, and the Sherri Ybarra campaign website story.

West Ada places Alexie novel on reading list

Tenth-graders will be able to read “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” — with some restrictions.

West Ada bond issue won’t come soon

Idaho’s largest school district plans to seek another bond issue; voters rejected a $104 million plan last month.

Notus will try another bond issue

In August, voters rejected a $4.4 million bond issue to replace a grade school that opened in 1926.

Boise trustee election hits another snag

At one school, up to 178 paper ballots were marked with numbers — which could link voters with their ballots.

Website 2.0: Sherri Ybarra reworks wording

The GOP candidate has removed language that mirrored wording on Democratic candidate Jana Jones’ site.

Ybarra breaks silence on website wording

Sherri Ybarra says she takes responsibility for the site’s content. Jana Jones is accusing Ybarra of plagiarism.

Lapwai levy failure forces online P.E. courses

The district — one of Idaho’s poorest — has tried to pass two supplemental levies in 2014. Both have failed.