Kevin’s blog
Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.
Campaign calendar: Sept. 15 update
Here’s what we know — so far — about debates and forums heading into Election Day. Stay tuned for updates.
Coeur d’Alene negotiations: an overview
One of the state’s largest school districts remains locked in a labor stalemate. Here’s where the situation stands.
Video: Making the Grade, 9.10.14
Today’s topics: State Department of Education bonuses, and the Sherri Ybarra campaign website story.
West Ada places Alexie novel on reading list
Tenth-graders will be able to read “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” — with some restrictions.
West Ada bond issue won’t come soon
Idaho’s largest school district plans to seek another bond issue; voters rejected a $104 million plan last month.
Notus will try another bond issue
In August, voters rejected a $4.4 million bond issue to replace a grade school that opened in 1926.
Boise trustee election hits another snag
At one school, up to 178 paper ballots were marked with numbers — which could link voters with their ballots.
Lapwai levy failure forces online P.E. courses
The district — one of Idaho’s poorest — has tried to pass two supplemental levies in 2014. Both have failed.