Kevin’s blog

Poll: Otter holds 14-point advantage

Republican Butch Otter had 50 percent support in the telephone survey conducted by the conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports. Democrat A.J. Balukoff trailed with 36 percent.

New trustee faces conflict of interest issue

Richard Roberts, appointed to the Blaine County school board May 27, is transferring his 8-year-old son to a charter school.

Kuna recall drive clears another hurdle

If trustee Michael Law decides to fight the recall, voters will decide the issue on Aug. 26. Law was a vocal critic of a two-year, $6.38 million school levy, which passed on May 20.

Bruneau district looks to consolidate

The district will close two elementary schools and move all grades into Rimrock Senior-Junior High School. The move comes after two failed attempts to pass a $1.2 million levy.

Legislative lands committee lawyers up

Lawmakers have hired their own attorney to press the case for transferring federal lands to the states. Legal fees are approaching $42,000, according to the Associated Press.

Luna: ‘No plans’ to seek GOP chair

But state superintendent Tom Luna says he has been approached about running for state Republican Party chair — and would consider a run if recruited by Gov. Butch Otter.

Common Core: a backlash roundup

Three states are moving closer to repealing the Common Core standards. Here’s the rundown.

Video: Previewing the superintendent’s race

This week, we talk about the state superintendent’s primary — and about what to look for in the fall.

Superintendent’s race, county by county

What do the county-by-county numbers say about Sherri Ybarra’s primary victory?

Election Day quotes and reactions

Some quick quotes and rapid reactions from Tuesday’s elections.