Kevin’s blog

Legislative Common Core forum, Storified

The Senate and House education committees spent two hours diving into Idaho Core Standards. Here’s a rundown.

Commissioner files to challenge Little

Idaho County Commissioner Jim Chmelik, an outspoken advocate of state management of public lands, will take on Lt. Gov. Brad Little in the May 20 GOP primary.

JFAC focuses in on 60 percent goal

Budget-writers asked a few pointed questions about the linchpin of the State Board of Education policies: convincing 60 percent of Idahoans to pursue a postsecondary degree.

Video: This week on the K-12 beat

Want a four-minute catchup on Common Core, the flap over Common Core assessments and Treasure Valley school levies? Tune in here.

Analysis: Luna’s push for Internet taxes

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna renewed his call for Internet sales taxes Wednesday. What might that say about the state of the 2014 superintendent’s race?

Senate-House education meeting, Storified

State Superintendent Tom Luna and State Board of Education member Richard Westerberg were at the podium Wednesday, before the Senate and House education committees. Here’s a Storify summary.

How Idaho’s pre-K bill stacks up

Forty states spend money on pre-K programs. And all 40 spend far more than the $600,000 Idaho would put into a proposed three-year pilot.

Bujak faces federal indictment

The former Canyon County prosecutor — and possible gubernatorial candidate — was indicted Tuesday by a federal grand jury.

Pre-K: a question of perspectives?

Supporters of a pre-K pilot program are touting the potential for long-term savings — which probably won’t be realized during a three-year test run.

Video: This week’s ‘Idaho Reports’

Get caught up on Week One of the Idaho Legislature — including a lot of discussion of education issues and election-year politics.