Kevin’s blog

Two dueling meetings slated in Nampa

While a new-look Nampa School Board gets down to business Tuesday night, the local teachers’ union will hold a “tailgate party” to discuss stalled contract negotiations.

New evaluations remain on schedule

The federal government is giving Idaho and other states until 2016-17 to launch evaluation systems tied to classroom performance. But state superintendent Tom Luna wants Idaho to roll out its new system in 2013-14.

Declo bullying case not closed (UPDATED)

Fourth-grade teacher Summer Larsen allowed students to scribble on the faces of classmates who failed to reach reading goals. The incident drew national attention — and remains under investigation.

The governor’s race: Labrador isn’t talking

A few months ago, 1st Congressional District Rep. Raul Labrador said he’d make his political plans known by midyear. Now, he says an announcement is still a couple months away.

Union calls impasse ‘unnecessary and hostile’

Hours after the Meridian School Board issued teacher contracts and pulled the plug on 2013-14 negotiations, the head of the local teachers’ union called the move a ‘heavyhanded power play.’

Thumbnails of the tech grant recipients

Who is sharing in the state’s $3 million in pilot grants for technology? Here are thumbnail glances of the 11 grant recipients.

Meridian declares impasse, ends negotiations

The state’s largest school district puts an end to contract negotiations. The two sides made progress Friday, during their eighth bargaining session, but failed to reach a deal.

Nampa district, union spar over insurance issues

While Nampa contract negotiations remain deadlocked, say union officials, employees could face hefty fines under the federal health care law. District officials disagree.

Meridian spells out case against North Star

The charter school, one of Idaho’s largest, now has 30 days to make its case — and try to convince Meridian school officials that it has a sustainable long-term financial plan.

In Coeur d’Alene, the censure that wasn’t

After about an hour of squabbling over parliamentary issues, a bid to censure Senate Education Committee Chairman John Goedde and three House Republicans fizzled out.