Kevin’s blog

More bad news for Nampa: a lawsuit

The financially troubled Nampa School District is being taken to court — by its teachers’ union — over unpaid furlough days.

Analysis: The session’s last big K-12 debate

Thursday’s debate, over a final school labor law, touched on some important themes: Propositions 1, 2 and 3, local control — and money.

The K-12 impasse: an analysis

A week after the Senate rejected one $1.308 billion public schools budget, the Legislature is poised to pass a slightly different $1.308 billion budget. This stalemate was all about nuance and process.

Yes, the numbers ARE identical

The dollar figure in the K-12 budget hasn’t changed a penny from the budget rejected just a week ago. And that in itself is noteworthy.

Schools face cut in federal timber payments

The across-the-board federal budget cuts known as the “sequester” may hit home — to the tune of roughly $400,000 — for schools in Idaho timber country.

Signs point to K-12 budget deal (UPDATED)

Here’s one indication that a public school budget deal is in place. The Legislature’s education committees have scheduled a Wednesday morning meeting to talk over details.

Student fee lawsuit hearing: a preview

Attorneys will be back in a Boise courtroom this afternoon arguing a case that claims student fees violate the Idaho Constitution. Here’s a look at today’s docket.

While we wait: Links on the budget battle

It’s quiet at the Statehouse this morning — as lawmakers head back to town to try to sort out an education budget. Here are two good places to catch up on the story to date.

House defectors helped sink school budget

How did Senate opponents cobble together the 18 votes needed to submarine a public schools budget? The 2012 Senate elections changed the equation considerably.

Grudging support for a K-12 summer assignment

First they grumbled. Then Senate Education Committee members said yes to forming an interim committee to spend the off-season studying K-12 issues.