Kevin’s blog

Budget battles: Partying like it’s 1992?

The Senate’s vote to reject the public schools budget has thrown the Statehouse into turmoil. But it’s nothing like the budget donnybrook that unfolded 21 years ago.

Senate school budget vote: an analysis

A dysfunctional session on education issues? That’s how one senator puts it. And with Wednesday’s public schools budget vote, the session could continue into next week.

Tom Luna vs. Glenn Beck?

State superintendent Tom Luna’s spokeswoman calls out Glenn Beck for spreading misinformation about one of Luna’s initiatives, the “common core” standards,

Heading to adjournment: a viewer’s guide

Here are seven education-related bills to watch in the next 24 hours. And one other foolproof harbinger of the end of a legislative session.

The dark art of ‘radiator capping’

A school safety bill appears dead. A once-defeated school labor bill may rise from the dead. Confusing? Yes. So here is a quick civics lesson, Statehouse style.

Old news? Four-day schools’ savings modest

The State Department of Education studied four-day school calendars and cost savings for school districts — in 2008. A recent newspaper story is bringing this five-year-old study some new attention.

How iPads fit into a budget battle

The Senate is fixing for a fight Wednesday over the 2013-14 public schools budget. And one small-town elementary school’s technology program appears to be in the midst of the battle.

A little more off-season activity?

If you’re keeping score, there may be four education-related committees to watch this summer. Legislators could spend the summer studying the transfer of federal lands to state ownership.

State cabin leaseholders get a reprieve

Rising payments to the state’s land endowment could drive some leaseholders to walk away from their lakeside cabins. So the Idaho Department of Lands is trying to cushion the blow.

Senate amends charter bill — significantly

Never underestimate what can happen when lawmakers can amend a high-profile bill. On Wednesday, the Senate struck down language that was near and dear to charter school advocates.