Kevin’s blog

The paper trail from Thursday’s task force meeting

Here’s what Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin had to say to Idaho’s teachers union. And what the state’s college and university presidents had to say to McGeachin’s task force.

Boise State updates fall plan, encourages universal mask usage

The state’s largest university is also encouraging students and staff to get vaccinated before fall semester.

McGeachin’s inbox: What she’s hearing on critical race theory and indoctrination

The bulk of emails to Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin say her indoctrination task force is an overdue and gutsy attempt to curb leftist teachings. Others dismiss the task force as misguided, pointless and politically driven.

Coronavirus case numbers continue surge — and more weekly trends

Here’s the latest look at the state’s coronavirus trends, as the new school year approaches.

Mapping Idaho vaccination rates and hotspots: It’s complicated

In some cases, counties with higher vaccination rates are seeing relatively low coronavirus case rates. But not always.

LCSC administrator faces backlash over social media posts

The Lewiston Tribune reported Wednesday on comments about the LGBT community, made by Logan Fowler, Lewis-Clark’s marketing and communications director. Fowler is also a pastor in a Lewiston church.

IEA: Record-setting surplus provides ‘golden opportunity’ for underfunded schools

“The record budget surplus should be directed to Idaho’s public schools, which continue to be under-resourced in a state that willingly ranks last in per-student funding,” union President Layne McInelly said Wednesday.

House Ethics Committee to hold hearing on Giddings

In June, Boise State Public Radio reported that Giddings faced an ethics investigation after she publicly shared personal information about “Jane Doe,” a 19-year-old House staffer who said she was sexually assaulted by then-Rep. Aaron Von Ehlinger, R-Lewiston.

A closer look at Idaho’s rising coronavirus case numbers

Coronavirus cases are rising across the nation, and Idaho is no exception.

Workplace vaccination issue breaks along some familiar political lines

Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin is continuing to urge legislators to take up the issue. Gov. Brad Little and Senate Republicans are skeptical.