Kevin’s blog

Breaking down Idaho’s ‘go-on rates:’ some local numbers

The district- and school-level data follow some trends that have played out in past years.

K-12 coronavirus summary, 1.18.21: In an abbreviated reporting period, numbers decrease

Through Friday, Health and Welfare has linked at least 5,447 coronavirus cases to K-12 students and teachers.

Coronavirus trendline, 1.15.21: Case numbers, and other metrics, show signs of improvement

The decrease in new case numbers comes as the state prepares to provide coronavirus vaccines to K-12 teachers and employees.

Lawmaker looks to lift limits on gatherings — including athletics

Rep. Brent Crane wants to rescind a section of Gov. Brad Little’s coronavirus health order, which caps the size of many public gatherings to 10 people. Somewhat larger crowds can attend school athletic events.

K-12 coronavirus case numbers eclipse 5,000 plateau

Idaho schools reported at least 243 coronavirus cases for the seven-day period ending Sunday.

Video: Gov. Brad Little’s State of the State Address

Did you miss Monday’s speech — or the instant analysis? Catch it here.

Coronavirus trendline, 1.8.21: After holidays, case numbers begin to climb

Idaho coronavirus cases near the 150,000 mark, while COVID-19 deaths eclipse the 1,500 plateau.

Audio: ‘Idaho Matters,’ 1.8.21

Miss this week’s reporter roundtable? Catch it here.

DeVos resigns, saying Trump’s rhetoric had reached ‘inflection point’

The polarizing education secretary joins an exodus from President Trump’s inner circle, one day after Trump supporters staged a deadly riot on Capitol Hill.

State receives $6 million federal preschool grant

Advocates are shying away from the politically loaded word “preschool,” instead pledging to build “a mixed-delivery system for parents with young children.”