Kevin’s blog

Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.

Idaho Press: Student leaders criticize Little over transgender laws

Two new laws restricting transgender rights “exhibit blatant transphobia,” 28 college and university student leaders said in a letter to Gov. Brad Little. Betsy Russell of the Idaho Press wrote about the letter Thursday.

Blaine County puts levy election on hold

A 10-year, $40 million plant facilities levy has been rescheduled for next March, the Idaho Mountain Express reported.

State Board schedules do-over on meeting marked by a streaming glitch

The board continued to hold a two-hour meeting Monday, even though its live Facebook video stream failed. The stream was the only method available for the public to watch the meeting.

Senators urge feds to free up stimulus dollars for higher ed

Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch also urged Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to review regulations that “may be hindering” colleges and universities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Video: Budget uncertainties for Idaho higher education

Why are Idaho college and university leaders so worried about the short- and long-term budget picture. We explore that issue — and other coronavirus news.

Video: ‘Idaho Reports’ Web extra, 4.17.20

Will any Idaho schools reopen in May? We discuss the practical and political barriers.

The coronavirus trendline: The week in review (4.17.20 edition)

Over the past week, Idaho’s confirmed and suspected coronavirus cases increased by 19 percent, continuing a slowdown in new case numbers.

Boise State extends campus closure into the summer

Summer classes will be delivered online, and all campus events and summer camps are suspended until July 5.

Opponents will file lawsuit over transgender athletics ban

ACLU Idaho and a feminist organization, Legal Voice, will file a lawsuit today on behalf of a transgender student at Boise State University, Idaho News 6 reported.

Video: Making the grade, 4.14.20

Miss this week’s “Making the Grade” segment? Catch it here.