Kevin’s blog

U of I faces a looming shortfall: $14 million and growing

Based on current enrollment and enrollment projections, the shortfall could reach $22 million by 2021-22.

Superintendent Ybarra’s weekly schedule (UPDATED)

State superintendent Sherri Ybarra’s office updated her schedule Monday morning.

The ‘nation’s report card:’ two very different reactions

The new National Assessment of Educational Progress scores debunk myths about Idaho’s schools, state superintendent Sherri Ybarra says. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos called the results “devastating.”

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: Oct. 28-29

There is only one item on state superintendent Sherri Ybarra’s schedule for this week, according to her website.

School funding initiative moves into signature-gathering mode

Reclaim Idaho says is has the state’s go-ahead to pursue a voter initiative that would increase income taxes, and put more than $170 million towards Idaho schools.

Idaho universities post enrollment increases

The overall numbers are up at all three of the state’s four-year universities, and Boise State University’s enrollment set another record.

New Mexico makes the SAT a graduation requirement

The New Mexico policy is similar — but not identical — to Idaho state law. All Idaho high school students must take a college entrance exam of some kind, and they can take the SAT at taxpayer expense.

Times-News: CSI president to retire in 2020

Jeff Fox’s departure continues a historic pattern of turnover at the state’s colleges and universities.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: Oct. 21-25

This week’s schedule includes Wednesday’s meeting of Gov. Brad Little’s “Our Kids, Idaho’s Future” K-12 task force.

Idaho child poverty numbers buck national trends

About 63,000 Idaho children lived in poverty in 2018, down from 67,000 the preceding year, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The national rate showed no improvement.