Kevin’s blog

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: Oct. 1-3

The schedule includes Tuesday’s meeting of Gov. Brad Little’s “Our Kids, Idaho’s Future” K-12 task force.

Kustra’s Boise State radio contract hits some static

The retired Boise State University president will receive $77,230 for the part-time post. University and public radio officials say the contract doesn’t tell the whole story.

Reporter’s notes: a national perspective on the big issues facing higher ed

Some takeaways from the Education Writers Association’s higher education seminar at the University of Michigan.

State Board standards roadshow continues — with a hearing in Challis

At issue are “rules governing thoroughness,” which include the Idaho Core Standards in math and English language arts, and state science standards.

‘Political correctness running amok:’ Lawmaker suggests defunding Boise State

It’s the latest salvo in a battle over diversity and inclusion programs — pitting a cadre of conservative legislators against newly hired Boise State President Marlene Tromp.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: Sept. 23-26

Sherri Ybarra has four events and meetings listed on her schedule this week, and no events or meetings posted for Friday.

Master educator premiums: no word yet

About 1,400 veteran teachers are waiting for word on the three-year, $4,000-a-year premiums.

College of Idaho adds a record class of new students

The Caldwell private college opened its doors to 406 new students — 361 first-year students and 45 transfer students.

Hagerman launches innovative ag and food science course

The goal is to provide high school graduates with the skills they need to work in the Magic Valley’s food manufacturing sector.

Meridian Press: Suburban districts seek help from ‘bond fatigue’

School trustees from across the state will consider the proposals in November, in the runup to the 2020 legislative session.