Kevin’s blog

Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.

DeVos vs. Democrats: a quick recap

President Trump’s education secretary sparred with congressional Democrats Tuesday, over the White House’s proposed 10 percent cut in education spending.

Little signs charter administrators’ bill

The governor signed off on a law to relax hiring requirements, but said he will be “closely watching its impacts.”

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: March 25-29

It’s a light weekly schedule, heavy with legislative committee meetings that might not even take place.

Last-ditch funding formula bill is on hold

Senate Education Committee Chairman Dean Mortimer had hoped to introduce the bill as early as Friday.

Idaho pre-K enrollment: Consistent, and consistently low

Roughly two-thirds of Idaho’s 3- and 4-year-olds are not in a pre-kindergarten program, one of the lowest enrollment rates in the nation.

Vallivue bond issue withstands recount

The vote tally didn’t change Tuesday. The $65.3 million bond issue cleared the two-thirds supermajority threshold by two votes.

Tort claim filed against Fruitland School District

According to the civil claim, multiple people within the Fruitland School District knew of high school Principal Mike Fitch’s “predatory behavior,” but failed to act. Fitch faces two misdemeanor criminal counts of sexual battery and a misdemeanor count of soliciting a prostitute.

Meanwhile, also at the Statehouse: Postsecondary budgets pass easily

The state’s two-year colleges and four-year institutions would receive 3.5 percent budget increases.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: March 18-22

Like many other education observers, the state superintendent will begin her week — watching the next legislative hearings on proposals to overhaul the K-12 funding formula.

Ybarra plans annual post-legislative roadshow

The meetings will begin on April 2. But there’s no guarantee the Legislature will be done by then.