Kevin’s blog
Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.
Public hearing on funding formula bill set for Monday
The hearing is set for 2 p.m. at the Lincoln Auditorium, the Statehouse’s largest committee meeting room. Meanwhile, the House Education Committee will try again to introduce a funding formula bill.
After failed levy election, Kamiah faces cutbacks
The north-central Idaho school district could mothball its middle school and switch from full-day kindergarten to a half-day program, the Lewiston Tribune reports.
Vallivue bond issue headed to a recount
The $65.3 million bond issue cleared the necessary two-thirds supermajority threshold by a scant three votes, based on Tuesday’s results.
State Board to interview presidents’ finalists this week
The plan is to fill the vacancies at Boise State University and the University of Idaho by April.
Idaho immunization ‘opt-outs’ have doubled since 2009-10
What’s more, these kindergarten opt-out numbers surged, even as kindergarten enrollment has stagnated.
Immunization opt-in bill, guns-in-schools bill dead for session
The House had passed the bill requiring schools and child-care centers to provide immunization opt-in information along with state immunization information. A divided House State Affairs Committee introduced the guns-in-schools bill last week.
In Nevada, a snow-day policy collapses under an avalanche of opposition
The Reno, Nev.-based Washoe County School District adopted a “digital snow day” policy, requiring students to work online when the weather turned bad.
Independent report praises Idaho’s mastery pilot — with some qualifications
The pilot program has built a “solid framework” for mastery-based learning, according to researchers with Education Northwest in Portland, Ore. Mastery is one of state superintendent Sherri Ybarra’s top legislative priorities.