Kevin’s blog

State Board spells out plan for master teacher premium rollout

It will cost the state a projected $263,000 to review applications for the premiums, which go into effect this year.

Idaho Press: Boise trustee elections carry $70,000 price tag

Turnout for the go-it-alone elections is notoriously and chronically low, falling below 4 percent in 2018.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: January 21-25

The focal point of the state superintendent’s weekly schedule is her annual budget presentation, before the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee Thursday.

State agency makes push for a full-time school safety analyst

Gov. Brad Little has not recommended funding the $141,000-a-year position.

State Board outlines next steps in search for higher ed ‘systemness’

Armed with a consultant’s study, board members will look for ways to streamline higher education operations.

A sobering critique of the nation’s ’60 percent goal’

Idaho is struggling to convince high school graduates to continue their education. And that isn’t an isolated problem, the Hechinger Report said this week.

Post Falls to seek bond issue, supplemental levy in March

The bulk of the bond issue would go toward a new elementary school, the Coeur d’Alene Press reported. The supplemental levy is identical to one that has been on the books for two years.

Report: Idaho’s starting teacher pay ranks No. 44 nationally

The National Education Association’s numbers are dated — but they suggest Idaho’s starting teacher salaries lag behind neighboring states. Gov. Brad Little has proposed boosting the minimum salary to $40,000.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: January 14-18

The state superintendent will meet with several legislators this week, including Senate Education Committee Chairman Dean Mortimer.

House committee endorses meningococcal vaccine for 12th-graders

Parents can still opt their children out of any immunization the state recommends — and Idaho’s opt-out rates are among the highest in the nation.