Kevin’s blog
Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.
A sobering critique of the nation’s ’60 percent goal’
Idaho is struggling to convince high school graduates to continue their education. And that isn’t an isolated problem, the Hechinger Report said this week.
Post Falls to seek bond issue, supplemental levy in March
The bulk of the bond issue would go toward a new elementary school, the Coeur d’Alene Press reported. The supplemental levy is identical to one that has been on the books for two years.
Report: Idaho’s starting teacher pay ranks No. 44 nationally
The National Education Association’s numbers are dated — but they suggest Idaho’s starting teacher salaries lag behind neighboring states. Gov. Brad Little has proposed boosting the minimum salary to $40,000.
House committee endorses meningococcal vaccine for 12th-graders
Parents can still opt their children out of any immunization the state recommends — and Idaho’s opt-out rates are among the highest in the nation.
A switch on the Senate Ed. Committee
Back on the committee, after a brief absence, is Sen. Carl Crabtree, R-Grangeville.
Salmon district to seek bond issue
The $25.6 million proposal will go before voters on March 12, the Idaho Falls Post Register reported.
JFAC talks about status of K-12 savings account — but stands pat
Wednesday’s hearing was required under a 2017 state law. But legislative budget-writers weren’t required to act — and they left the savings account as is.
Idaho students will receive $850,000 in settlement with higher ed vendor
“Doing away with these debts is the right thing to do,” Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden said Thursday.