Kevin’s blog

Expert analysis and the latest news from award-winning journalist Kevin Richert.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: Nov. 19-23

This week’s schedule is abbreviated. State Department of Education offices are closed Thursday and Friday.

‘I feel like it’s taking us three steps back:’ Hispanic leaders respond to Middleton saga

In interviews with the Idaho Statesman, local Hispanic leaders discuss the Middleton Halloween controversy — and explain why they consider the staffers’ costumes racist.

Bedke-Crane matchup heads legislative leadership races

No matter the outcome of the closed elections on Dec. 5, there will be shakeups in House Republican leadership.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: Nov. 12-16

Starting this week, Idaho Education News will post state superintendent Sherri Ybarra’s weekly schedule, complete and unedited.

CWI to seek recount on building levy

The $39 million proposal fell 144 votes shy of passage, out of nearly 232,000 votes cast.

Key K-12 funding spreadsheet goes public — finally

The document shows how local districts could receive more money — or less money — if Idaho rewrites its school funding formula.

Teton, Moscow pass school levies

In Aberdeen, a 10-year plant facilities levy fell short of the required two-thirds supermajority.

In wake of costume controversy, online petition urges Middleton to retain staffers

The issue over racially charged Halloween costumes has “been blown out of proportion,” supporters of the Middleton staffers said in an online petition. It’s at least the second online petition triggered by the costume controversy.

Middleton goes viral: a Twitter summary

The Middleton School District Halloween costume story went viral — and global. Here’s a chronology, in 15 tweets.

As election nears, reading scores remain under wraps

Originally, the state said it would release the test scores in October. Now, the scores might not be unavailable until after Tuesday’s election.