
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Average teacher salary hits all-time high

The number climbed to $53,100 in 2021-22, state data show, wiping out last year’s temporary drop and resuming a years-long upward trend.

‘Egregious conduct unbecoming of anyone:’ Senate GOP leaders condemn Durst

“It is clear from the information gathered that Mr. Durst acted inappropriately in this situation,” the Senate’s four GOP leaders said in a statement issued late Friday afternoon. Durst, a Republican candidate for state superintendent, called the statement “politically motivated.”

Analysis: How Season 2022 of the Legislature will end (spoiler alert)

A record-shattering surplus sets high expectations for education spending and tax relief. No one is going to walk away completely satisfied.

Profane exchange between Republicans follows rejection of parental rights bill

Capitol police interceded twice between the exchanges involving state superintendent’s candidate Branden Durst, co-sponsor of a failed parental rights bill, and state Sen. Jim Woodward, one of the bill’s opponents.

Newly elected trustees take over Nampa school board leadership

The new chair and vice chair lead split-vote victories on hiring a new clerk and changing the district’s pandemic response plan.

Omicron and flu season combine to force school closures

School leaders say illnesses in bus drivers, cooks and teachers have hampered their ability to get kids to school, feed them and teach them.

Statehouse roundup, 1.18.22: Deadlocked committee kills parental freedom bill

Co-authored by Republican state superintendent’s candidate Branden Durst, the Idaho Parental Freedom in Education Act said parental rights “are not granted by the government, but are divinely given.”

$600 million income tax proposal heads to the Idaho House floor

What would be the largest tax cut in Idaho history provides tax rebates and reduces income rates.

Two East Idaho districts to float a combined $105 million in bond issues

Both growing districts are planning to ask voters in March to pay for new schools and other upgrades.

Statehouse roundup, 1.17.22: School staff health insurance bill emerges

The proposal would accomplish two things on Gov. Brad Little’s education to-do list: setting aside funding for school districts to join the state insurance plan, and phasing out a “leadership premium” program.