
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Ybarra makes her budget pitch — and discusses pandemic learning loss

Legislative budget-writers spent two hours on the state superintendent’s K-12 budget request. Election-year politics — and a record-setting $1.9 billion surplus — will complicate their job.

Sherri Ybarra’s budget hearing: a listener’s guide

The state superintendent will be before the Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee Monday morning.

Idaho Falls planning for full-day kindergarten

The districts believes a districtwide program would improve reading scores. Trustees will vote on a measure Jan. 25.

State Board approves dozens of trustee re-zoning proposals

The decision came during a special meeting Thursday, and gave 108 school the go-ahead to redraw local trustee zones.

Analysis: The omicron legislative session could get worse before it gets better

On Wednesday, two lawmakers reported testing positive for coronavirus. “At this point, I see no reason to stop our process,” House Speaker Scott Bedke said Thursday.

Statehouse roundup, 1.13.22: Academic standards, trustee recall proposals resurface

One lawmaker looks to force the hand of the State Board of Education in adopting rewritten school standards. Two others try to reconfigure the procedures that follow trustee recalls.

Charter administrator collects state’s highest K-12 salary

North Idaho Charter STEM Academy Executive Director Scott Thomson’s $193,500-a-year salary is No. 1 on the latest statewide administrative salaries list. INSIDE: Find out what your administrator makes.

At least three districts call off classes amid rising COVID-19 cases

The Treasure Valley and East Idaho districts are set to reopen Tuesday, Jan. 18, for now.

Statehouse roundup, 1.12.22: Little looks to federal cash to help fund his education wishlist

The governor wants to use the money to bankroll his proposed teacher bonuses, a portion of educator salary raises and more.

First bill of Idaho legislative session aims to implement Gov. Little’s income tax cuts

On Monday, Little said the proposal would be the largest tax cut in state history.