
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

State Board letter: Accreditation issue places NIC in peril

“Action or inaction by the college’s board of trustees that places accreditation at risk would result in long-term injury to the very students you were elected to serve,” State Board President Kurt Liebich and executive director Matt Freeman said in a letter to trustees.

Some ins and outs of charter school oversight in Idaho

Several factors can impact the academic and operational accountability for Idaho’s charter schools. Here’s a closer look.

State ethics commission approves alternative teaching authorizations, revokes two educator licenses

The commission extended the timeframe for teacher applicants to receive their certifications, and suspended the licenses of two licensed teachers with alleged ethics violations.

Former board chair benefitted financially from his school, says state charter commission director

The violation is one of several reasons why Another Choice Virtual Charter School should cease operations. INSIDE: Other recommendations from the director.

Fact check: Did Ybarra call Coeur d’Alene schools a CRT ‘worst offender?’

It’s complicated. But one thing is clear. While Sherri Ybarra hasn’t announced her political plans, the incumbent state superintendent sure sounds like a candidate.

Analysis: Who will pay for all-day kindergarten? And how many kids will get to go?

There’s plenty of support for state-funded, all-day kindergarten. And plenty of money. And plenty of impetus to do something now. But that doesn’t mean something passes easily, or quickly.

Microschools have popped up in Idaho, but in unknown numbers

A Manhattan Institute report defines microschools as “schools that are formed by a small group of families bringing their children together to be taught by one or a few dedicated educators.”

Gov. Brad Little teases new tax cut package at taxpayers’ conference

Plans to be unveiled during upcoming legislative session that convenes in January.

State Board passes proposed rule changes on to Legislature

The Board will next month consider funding K-12 school districts based on total enrollment, rather than students’ average daily attendance, for the 2021-2022 school year.

‘Medicated, meddlesome and quarrelsome:’ Boise State professor’s comments on women draw fire

And Scott Yenor said colleges and universities are also eroding the American family. “Almost everything in these indoctrination camps complicates the male-female dance. It delays growing up.”