
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Analysis: A $30 million testing plan won’t erase schools’ COVID-19 challenges

Because the testing program is voluntary, it won’t do any good in some schools. And even where the tests take place, parents might not get data they can use to make informed decisions about their kids’ health and safety.

Thousands of West Ada parents line up to opt their children out of masking

A line extended around the building early Wednesday afternoon. Parents said it was a minor inconvenience.

Leaders contemplate mask mandates as school year begins

At least 13 Idaho districts and charters are requiring masks. West Ada decided to require staff to wear masks and students can opt out with a parent’s permission.

‘People have to choose to do the right thing:’ In AARP call, Little pushes for vaccinations

Rising vaccination numbers could be a linchpin to keeping schools in session this fall, Gov. Brad Little said again Tuesday. Meanwhile, federal money for K-12 coronavirus testing could be on its way shortly.

Idaho Supreme Court says new ballot initiative law violates state constitution

The court blocked Senate Bill 1110 from taking effect.

Women administrators “have to work longer, harder and smarter” to get equal pay

Women school district superintendents in Idaho attain higher levels of education and work more days than their male counterparts, according to a recent study.

Beth Oppenheimer’s passion keeps her going: ‘We’re building a system’

She leads a charge to fund early learning programs in Idaho, against a conservative Legislature that regularly pushes back.

Campus news items: Holt Arena will get a two-year makeover

In other news from Idaho higher education, Boise State University reports a $7.6 million increase in charitable giving.

New school year brings new initiatives and ongoing challenges

When it comes to charting a course for “back to school” this year, it’s more important than ever that decisions are made at the local level.

Little makes two choices for the State Board

The selections further put Little’s imprint on the board, which has far-ranging policymaking authority in K-12 and higher education. If the Senate confirms these nominations next winter, five of the board’s eight members will be Little appointees.