
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Supreme Court justices grill attorneys in Ybarra lawsuit

It’s unclear when the Supreme Court will rule in the case. And on Friday, justices didn’t really tip their hand either. During a hearing held over Zoom, the five justices posed pointed questions to attorneys for state superintendent Sherri Ybarra, the Legislature and the State Board of Education.

Analysis: Voters showed up, but they also hunkered down

Due to unexpectedly high voter turnout or economic fears — or, more likely, a combination of the two — it was a tough night for some school leaders and a solid night for some conservative hardliners.

Notus, Kamiah and Emmett select new leaders

Find out who was hired in these small Idaho districts.

Middleton school board accepts superintendent Reberry’s resignation

The trustees — after more than three hours in executive session — were split on who should run the district until a replacement is hired.

Surveys say: Parents want children to return to school in the fall

Leaders of the West Ada and Boise school districts will consult the data as they develop plans to return in the fall.

UPDATE: Technical glitch delays opening of master educator premium applications

Educators will have until June 30 to apply for the premiums.

Students with special needs struggle to learn remotely

EdNews last week surveyed dozens of parents and said their children were receiving either no services or only a partial amount of services during school closures amid coronavirus.

Election results: West Ada, Middleton levies fail; Jerome bond fails

Several school ballot measures failed Tuesday, in a historic all vote-by-mail primary election. Meanwhile, in eastern Idaho, three legislative incumbents lost.

Little plans to move to a regional response to coronavirus pandemic

Little also said “with any luck” Idaho could advance to stage 4 of the reopening plan next week.

Idaho State announces fall reopening plan

Face-to-face classes will end before Thanksgiving. Some health officials warn of a potential second wave of coronavirus in late fall, coinciding with the start of flu season.