
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Short-term campus cashflow issues could set the stage for a fiscal crunch

The coronavirus outbreak is forcing Idaho’s colleges and universities to refund room and board and cancel campus events. The schools are also incurring unexpected costs, as they move coursework online and sanitize buildings that now stand vacant.

Boise votes to close schools for the rest of the year

The district will also push graduation ceremonies to late July.

Idaho’s two largest districts call tens of thousands of families to map Internet access

Educators have found thousands of children do not have Internet at home and thousands more need an electronic device.

Andy Grover hired to lead administrators association

The long-time Melba School District superintendent was a Republican candidate for state superintendent.

Coronavirus news, 4.8.20: Ybarra leaves grading decisions to local school leaders amid pandemic

Whether they retain their traditional grading system, move to pass/fail or adopt mastery, Ybarra said local leaders will make the best decision.

Blackfoot adopts four-day school week

Trustees in the 3,800-student district voted unanimously on Thursday to drop Fridays from the school calendar.

Little says stay-home order about to pay dividends

However, Little is not easing back yet, saying additional restrictions will likely continue after the initial stay-home order expires April 15.

With the door to schools still ajar, district leaders ponder their next steps

A State Board of Education decision will keep Idaho schools closed for now. But local administrators could have the option of reopening school later the spring. Reactions are mixed.

Friday Night Lights! A way to celebrate high school seniors and athletes

#BeTheLightId encourages Idaho’s high schools to turn on their stadium lights Friday, April 10, to  support the 2020 graduating class and the spring sport athletes. Is your school joining in?

How do you homeschool during a pandemic?

It’s 5 p.m., work is winding down and homeschool is in session — if you can call it that.