
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

‘School within a school’ lets kids control their learning

Nearly a fourth of Rocky Mountain Middle School students set their own schedules and take tests when they’re ready.

Latino Listening Project wins Education Writers fellowship

The fellowship will support a year-long partnership between the Idaho Statesman and Idaho Education News.

Education task force set to vote on final recommendations

The “Our Kids, Idaho’s Future” task force may narrow its list of recommendations down even further on Monday.

Coming Tuesday: A first-of-its-kind school election day

For the first time, Idaho voters will elect school trustees during a November election. But many voters won’t even notice the difference, because most school board races are uncontested so won’t appear on the ballot.

Middleton leaders say they’ve learned from last year’s Halloween nightmare

New superintendent Sherawn Reberry said the district is moving forward by building relationships in the community, and providing ongoing cultural competency training.

Madison approves nearly $500,000 in bonuses

All staff members will receive the extra cash in December.

Upgrades to Idaho Falls schools could start at $78 million

The money would fund “safety, capacity and critical upgrades” in a first renovation phase. School leaders discussed two other upgrade phases but not price tags for them.

Idaho NAEP scores hold steady, and exceed national averages

Idaho students fared well on what is widely known as “the nation’s report card.” But eighth-grade reading scores declined significantly — mirroring a troubling national trend.

Idaho ACT scores improve slightly

Idaho’s scores also exceeded the national average. But less than a third of Idaho’s graduates took the exam — and the vast majority of test-takers already planned to go to college.

House Education Committee picks apart school budget, state agency responsibilities

The committee focused on testing, budgets and earning a return on investment when it reconvened Wednesday for the second day of meetings.