
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Soft skills training teaches electricians to fix fuses, not blow them

During the Education Writers Association’s higher education seminar, EdNews’ Kevin Richert heard from participants in a college pilot program that provides students “badges” for mastering skills such as initiative-taking, critical thinking, collaboration and even empathy.

Idaho Opportunity Scholarship Application Window Opens

The scholarships pay out up to $3,500 a year and are only accepted at Idaho colleges and universities.

Lemhi County to consider joining CEI’s taxing district

Idaho’s newest community college could extend its taxing footprint and services.

Educators beef up suicide-prevention efforts

Idaho consistently records some of the nation’s highest suicide rates.

Latino students matter to Idaho’s future, experts say. So why do they lag behind peers?

As Latino students make up an increasingly important part of Idaho’s labor force, experts say Idaho must step up to improve Latino educational outcomes.

Education news from around Idaho

Businesses and foundations give to K-12, and Skyview High students raise funds for families battling cancer.

Little’s State Board search: How it all unfolded (so far)

Emails to and from the governor’s office — obtained by Idaho Education News — weave a behind-the-scenes story that began weeks before Gov. Brad Little publicly courted applicants for two State Board vacancies.

House Education Committee to meet next week

No, the legislative session is not kicking off earlier than usual.

Task force zeros in on literacy-based accountability proposal

The proposal would empower school boards to hold superintendents and principals — not teachers — accountable for hitting growth targets in literacy.

West Ada, Boise teachers will receive a majority of master educator premiums

“I don’t think it’s reflective of the quality of teachers around the state,” a Boise teachers’ union leader said Tuesday.