
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Basin to take another run at supplemental levy bill

Supporters say the bill could give small districts some measure of financial stability.

Girls outdistance boys on national science test

Eighth-graders scored better in 2018, on the second round of the National Assessment of Educational Progress science test. But a gender gap widened.

New state law creates uncertainty over teacher salaries

Some education experts say the Legislature created a second minimum salary requirement this year, even though legislators have gone on the record saying this wasn’t their intention.

Education news from around the state

A Boise robotics team wins international distinction, new pre-K programs are getting off the ground and more.

Idaho EdNews honored at press club banquet

Overall, Idaho EdNews’ team won 20 awards Saturday, including seven first-place awards.

Fruitland cuts ties with embattled principal in separation agreement

Mike Fitch will receive payments that near the bulk of his contract and he agreed to write a letter of resignation to the board.

Only on a Thursday in Homedale

The end of the week at a rural Idaho school calls for tractors, mice-measurements and more.

More Idaho students apply for financial aid. Will it translate into an enrollment increase?

More than 9,300 Idaho high school seniors have already applied for federal financial aid. The deadline to seek aid from Uncle Sam is June 30.

Former Emmett educator loses Idaho teaching license for a year

Idaho’s Professional Standards Commission also revoked the licenses of multiple teachers accused of sexual contact with minors.

Little adds details to plan for reauthorizing agency rules

Rules are important because they carry the force of law and affect Idahoans in numerous ways.