
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Statehouse roundup, 3.13.19: Senate passes K-12 budgets; controversial scholarship tax credit bill resurfaces

The bill would provide $15 million in tax credits for donors who support private school scholarship programs. Last year, a broad spectrum of education groups opposed the idea.

Another day, another funding formula bill makes its debut

The new bill is likely to go back to the Senate Education Committee, in the next few days.

School elections: Vallivue bond vote too close to call, others fall short

The nailbiter in Canyon County was symptomatic of a rocky election day across the state. See complete results inside.

Statehouse roundup, 3.12.19: ‘There’s a lot for everybody to learn, and that is what’s happening now’

Lawmakers are still trying to understand the complexities of rewriting the K-12 funding formula, House Speaker Scott Bedke said Tuesday. Meanwhile, legislative leaders are at loggerheads over Medicaid expansion — and a controversial bill that would tighten the initiative process.

Statehouse shakeup: One funding formula bill dies, a second makes its debut

A divided House Education Committee killed Chairman Lance Clow’s version of a funding formula rewrite. Now, the focus shifts to the Senate, where a second bill could get a hearing later this week.

Statehouse roundup, 3.11.19: House Education kills Ybarra’s teacher pipeline proposal

In other news, a Boise senator unveils a college scholarship bill — but it won’t come to the Legislature until the 2020 session.

Kids keep Little focused on improving literacy

Following a visit to a Boise classroom, Idaho’s governor addresses the top education issues of the 2019 legislative session.

Statehouse roundup, 3.7.19: House abruptly kills State Board budget

House conservatives poked holes in the relatively small $6.4 million budget. House Democrats used the vote to register concerns over the push to rewrite the public school funding formula.

Statehouse roundup, 3.8.19: Legislators prepare to introduce funding formula bill — or bills

The House Education Committee is scheduled to hold an introductory hearing on a funding formula rewrite Monday morning.

Justices set new standards in Idaho Supreme Court decision

This week’s decision made two clear distinctions that will affect journalists and teachers who find themselves in court.