
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Statehouse roundup, 2.25.19: Advanced opportunities program could grow further

In other news, the House passes a bill to require schools and day-care centers to pass on immunization opt-out information.

Centennial Elementary integrates arts into the classroom

Principal Paul Harman hopes it will translate into better learning outcomes for his students.

Ririe names superintendent finalists

Candidates include the longtime former superintendent of a nearby school district, three East Idaho school administrators and a Wyoming middle school principal.

Statehouse roundup, 2.22.19: Pre-K bill killed; charter administrator bill advances

In other legislative news, the Senate passes a bill to relax charter school administrators’ hiring guidelines.

Education news from around Idaho

Wood River teacher recognized; plus news on upcoming events and a community grant opportunity.

Statehouse roundup, 2.21.19: Democrats introduce educator loan forgiveness bill

Meanwhile, a bill to allow Teach For America and other teacher preparation programs to seek state funding is heading to the House floor.

Idaho’s literacy program: a politically popular work in progress

It is “extremely difficult” to measure the success of the 2-year-old program, Boise State University researchers said in a recent report. Still, Gov. Brad Little wants to double the program’s budget, and lawmakers are poised to sign on.

Garfield, Discovery Center partner to promote STEM

The night was a chance to model how a school, a community partner and families could come together to foster student growth.

Statehouse roundup, 2.20.19: Teacher salary bill advances

INSIDE: Vaccination opt-out bill passes — barely — after a tense hearing. And JFAC decides on more education budgets.

Opportunity Scholarship 101

It’s budget crunch time. Lawmakers are moving money around. What does that mean for college students and young readers? We explain.