
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Across Idaho, schools struggle with low immunization rates

It has always been easy for parents to say no to child vaccinations — a policy reflected in statistics. This fall, the opt-out rules are even more relaxed.

State Board approves continued use of student surveys

The decision paves the way to use student feedback as part of Idaho’s school accountability system.

State identifies lowest-performing public schools

Find out whether your school is on the list.

Top-performing high schools honored

Find out if your school made this list and details about the process.

Bonneville modifies gender-identity policy

The changes deal primarily with restroom and dressing room use for transgender students.

Bonneville trustees approve six-figure retirement payout to Shackett

The details of a separation agreement were made public Monday only after a public records request was made by Idaho Education News.

Boise school board candidate forum set for Aug. 21

Idaho Education News will stream the event LIVE via Facebook.

Reading scores drop across the board

The lackluster results point to the need for a new test, state officials say. In 2018-19, Idaho will spend nearly $13 million to try to help students at risk.

Movie theater makeover

A Blackfoot charter school moves into a stomping ground from my youth.

How do you improve schools? Start by coaching principals, says new study

When it comes to the impact of school-related factors on student learning, research shows that school leaders are second in importance only to teachers — but also can have a multiplier effect on the quality of teaching.