
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Tension flares as Bonneville trustees agree on $60 million bond measure

The decision came during a Wednesday board meeting, amid tense debate that escalated into a confrontation between Bonneville superintendent Chuck Shackett and trustee Greg Calder.

PART FOUR: It will take even more time and money to reach Idaho’s ’60 percent goal’

Idaho wants more young adults to finish college or obtain a postsecondary certificate. And education leaders have several ideas that they think will make a difference — eventually.

PART THREE: As Idaho tries to sell the value of college, the sticker price keeps rising

Idaho’s college fees remain among the lowest in the nation. But the cost is rising, ahead of the rate of inflation — leaving some students in a bind.

Idaho Falls seeks feedback after failed bond issue

The renewed call for feedback suggests that a measure to rebuild the district’s two high schools could soon be back on the ballot.

College of Eastern Idaho partners with University of Idaho

CEI president Rick Aman said the partnership is aimed boosting East Idaho’s college go-on rates and helping area high schoolers earn a bachelor’s degree.

Outside group offers mixed reviews of Idaho’s ESSA plan

Idaho education leaders are still waiting to hear U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s assessment of the ESSA plan.

PART TWO: A defining decision — five high school students talk about their plans

Idaho is pouring millions of dollars into programs to encourage high school students to continue their education. For students, the decision does not hinge on public policy, but instead on personal preference.

PART ONE: After five years and $100 million, Idaho remains far from its ’60 percent goal’

Free college classes in high school. More college scholarships. More college and career counselors. But Idaho still struggles to convince high school graduates to continue their education. Why? Part one of a four-story series.

Pocatello-Chubbuck educators call for improved K-12 funding

Educators in East Idaho’s biggest district met Tuesday with lawmakers to discuss a variety of educational outcomes and requests ahead of the 2018 legislative session.

Teton to break ground this spring

Nearly 80 percent of voters supported a $37.2 million measure to construct two new elementary schools and make districtwide upgrades.