The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.
Special education dominates Bonneville bond discussions
An idea to build a special education hub could bump a bond request to $65 million.
Idaho’s ESSA plan receives mixed outside reviews
The National Council on Teacher Quality and The Fordham Institute each released an analysis of states’ plans to comply with federal education laws.
School funding formula committee begins drafting resolution
Committee members are drafting their recommendation to transition to an enrollment-based model of funding.
Kuna School District fires office manager
Melissa Whiteley was accused of inappropriate conduct with a minor. Law enforcement is conducting an investigation.
Trustees vote to move their elections
Inside: A complete list of how school trustees voted on 14 proposed resolutions, including the details of the decision to move their elections to November of odd-numbered years.
What trustees want from their next superintendent
We asked seven trustees what issue they want Idaho’s education leader to solve. Here’s what they had to say.
Ybarra vs. Dillon. Round One.
The GOP candidates for state superintendent faced off in their first public debate to answer questions from school leaders.
Idaho Falls’ $110 million bond issue failed. What’s next?
The district will likely float a replacement measure. It’s just unclear when — and for how much.
School funding formula committee to reconvene Monday
Committee members are expected to discuss their final recommendations for the Legislature, which reconvenes in January.
I.F. bond fails; measures pass in Teton County, Caldwell, Nampa
Voters approved $92.7 million in school bond issues and levies Tuesday. But the night’s big-ticket item went down to defeat: Idaho Falls’ $110 million bond issue.