The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.
Administrators seek out briefing on federal ESSA plan
Superintendents and federal programs directors attended an ESSA presentation at the Idaho Association of School Administrators conference in Boise.
Three key staffers leaving Ybarra’s SDE
A deputy superintendent, spokesman and the transportation director are leaving their jobs.
East Idaho students featured in New York Times story
Recent graduates from Preston and Idaho Falls join others from across the nation in explaining why college isn’t their choice.
Spring reading scores show signs of improvement
One year into an $11.25 million-a-year literacy initiative, 73 percent of kindergarten through third-grade students ended the school year reading at grade level. In 2016-17, that number was 72 percent.
Governor’s race: Sunshine reports shine a light on GOP divisions
The three major Republican candidates for governor raised nearly $1.5 million during the first six months of 2017.
Ybarra, Dillon campaign fundraising off to a slow start
Wilder school Superintendent Jeff Dillon collected only $2,870 in the first half of 2017 — yet he still outraised incumbent state superintendent Sherri Ybarra.
Gilbert takes over as superintendent in Payette
A veteran of the Middleton School District, Robin Gilbert succeeded retiring Superintendent Pauline King in July.
State Department of Education releases updated ESSA plan
The State Board of Education is scheduled to vote on the plan Aug. 9-10. It is due to the feds Sept. 18.
Educators make early push to continue increasing teacher pay
The leaders of several education groups told State Department of Education officials that teacher pay continues to be their top budgetary proposal for next year.
Idaho school savings accounts top $250 million
Some school districts lavished in cash that exceeded their annual budgets, yet still asked patrons to approve supplemental levies. Find out how much your school district or charter school saved.