
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Higher ed task force gets back to work Friday

The group — formed to help Idaho boost its languid college attendance and graduation rates — met twice during the 2017 legislative session, but made no recommendations to lawmakers.

After the snow, hundreds of school days melted away

Idaho schools made up only a fraction of the classroom days lost to the harsh winter of 2017. The idea of extending the school year was a nonstarter — for reasons that had little to do with student performance.

GOP lawmaker praises proposed new science standards

Meanwhile, a Boise Democrat said the decision to remove references to climate change was politically driven and amounted to watering down scientific consensus.

Six Idaho teens win 9th Circuit civics contest

Nearly 1,000 high school students entered the contest.

Idaho students make history at International Science and Engineering Fair

Teams of students from four different Idaho schools traveled to the International Science and Engineering Fair last month.

State Board accepting trustee applications for College of Eastern Idaho

Community interest and feedback from local leaders prompted the State Board to expedite the selection process on Wednesday.

Nampa trustees hire Kellerer — again

Nampa trustees hired Northwest Nazarene University dean Paula Kellerer to fill the district’s superintendent’s vacancy — resolving a three-week-long legal dispute over the initial hiring. Here’s a recap of what happened Wednesday, and what led up to it.

Middleton alternative school embraces mastery education

Teachers and administrators want to move away from a discipline-based mindset to focus more on student learning and choices.

Nampa agrees to do-over, will hire Kellerer by name as superintendent

Board members will meet later this week to void action from the May 9 meeting, when trustees voted to hire “Candidate A” without disclosing who that is.

Idaho EdNews settles into new office space

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