
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

New Plymouth ramps up advanced opportunities for students

Students in this rural Idaho school district are now able to earn an associate’s degree without ever leaving their high school.

Blaine County schools cut 10.5 positions to balance budget

District leaders said taxpayers were very clear they did not want to see larger class sizes so all the cuts were made at the district level.

Growing districts collect $7.7 million in emergency levies

The emergency levies provide money for districts to meet the demands of growth. They can be passed without voter approval.

Education groups react to Ybarra’s budget proposal

Education associations said funding for teacher pay, a boost in discretionary spending, support for classified staff and training for teachers are important budget priorities next year.

Idaho SBAC scores improve across the board

Scores in math and English language arts improved from third grade through high school, but high school math scores are still a weak spot.

Education news brief from around Idaho

Learn how to win a $500 grant, a Boise High graduate receives a $1,000 scholarship and find out which schools won Fuel Up To Play 60 money.

Educators offer suggestions on school accountability

Second accountability forum draws proposals for tracking foreign language offerings, college credits earned by students and humanities offerings.

Idaho districts, charters stash $215 million in savings accounts

Superintendents say the unused money safeguards against budget cuts and unforeseen costs, though some question the prudence of holding on to so much cash when almost all of the districts receive supplemental funds from taxpayer levies.

First accountability hearing marked by curiosity and questions

A state spokesman said many people are still learning about the accountability proposal and attended the hearing because they wanted to learn more.

Ybarra’s legislative liaison is no stranger to education policy

New chief policy advisor Duncan Robb has experience teaching and worked on education policy in Washington, D.C., before moving to Idaho.