
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Caldwell names three superintendent finalists

Trustees will interview the candidates Saturday and make a decision Monday.

State’s leadership premium report fraught with bad math

The State Department of Education compiled the numbers — and submitted them to two legislative committees. The House Education Committee had some pointed questions Thursday.

STEM endowment on hold — at least for the time being

Statehouse roundup, 3.10.16: Headlines on school security reviews, parental rights and more.

House introduces funding bill for growing school districts

Statehouse roundup, 3.9.16: A Senate committee hears an impassioned case for a school security bill.

Amid GOP primary, voters OK $31 million in school levies

But Tuesday’s big-ticket item, a $14.9 million bond issue in Cassia County, went down to defeat.

Analysis: Literacy initiative clears a key hurdle

But there’s still a big question: How much money will lawmakers put into the plan?

Ybarra applauds public school budget, focus on education

Ybarra says lawmakers are meetings educators top two priorities by providing money for teacher raises and erasing recession-era funding cuts.

Orofino license plate bill resurrected following rare tie vote

Statehouse roundup, 3.8.16: Charter teacher contract bill passes, and another Internet sales tax bill surfaces.

JFAC passes higher ed budget — without Otter’s ‘tuition lock’

Statehouse roundup, 3.7.16: Bible-in-schools and parental rights bills pass the Senate with bipartisan backing. gets a makeover

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