
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Statehouse roundup, 3.31.15: New broadband plan killed

The failed bill would have created a new state panel to help rural school districts secure high-speed Internet.

Lawmakers praise Ybarra’s push for federal waiver

The new state superintendent held her ground on the need for students to take the Common Core-aligned SBAC exams this spring.

JFAC calls for 7.4 percent school funding increase

The 2015-16 school budget would fully fund the first year of the career ladder teacher salary proposal.

TAKE OUR QUIZ: How well do you know your lawmaker?

This is a fun test. No questions about taxes and such. It’s about vacations and quirky life histories.

Statehouse roundup, 3.30.15: House passes tax overhaul

The omnibus bill passed over the objections of House Democrats, who said the plan would undermine the state’s commitment to fund teacher pay raises.

Madison’s ISAT opt-out could cost Idaho $10 million

Superintendent says he won’t participate in another statewide endeavor that costs millions, takes away from instructional time and is not what’s best for kids.

Analysis: Statehouse drama shifts to tax policy

As the House and Senate move toward a showdown on taxes, the passage of the K-12 budget (2015-16) has the look of a done deal.

Idaho teacher salaries took an unexplained dip in 2013-14

The new National Education Association study reaffirms a recurring point in the teacher pay debate: Idaho salaries lag behind neighboring states.

Statehouse roundup, 3.26.15: Career ladder, salamanders, bullying and more

‘This is where we need to go,” said Senate Education Committee Chairman Dean Mortimer, moments before the Senate passed the $125.5 million career ladder bill Thursday.

Kids spend Spring Break with shelter animals

Kids who love animals are spending Spring Break at the Idaho Humane Society this week in Boise. The third annual “Friends for Life” spring break camp is hosting 26 kids, ages 7-14, from different schools to learn how to be a responsible pet owner. “We are able to teach kids about animal responsibility and safety,”…