
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Tech pilots: Idaho gears up for Round Two

The state has another $3 million up for grabs for school technology pilot projects. The application period opened Wednesday; the deadline is June 11.

Fulcher’s Common Core challenge

How the standards, and other K-12 issues, factor into the governor’s race.

SAT Day arrives for juniors

Catch up on the latest news involving SAT tests, the superintendent search in Blaine County and tech grants awarded by CenturyLink.

Panel moves closer to tiered licensure

On Monday, members worked on developing plans for how teachers will advance from their initial professional license to a second professional licensure. Final recommendations are due in August.

Jensen: Give to schools, not campaign

State schools superintendent candidate Randy Jensen is encouraging supporters to donate to the school of their choice, instead of his campaign.

State’s testing chief to leave

TJ Bliss, Idaho’s point person on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium test rollout, will leave the state at the end of the school year.

Education-related discussions coming up

Learn about the smartest kids in the world, early childhood development, healthy places equals healthy people and an eastern Idaho educator who is up for a national award.

Un-learning to love professional development

The Kellogg School District experiments with an innovative and collaborative approach to teaching teachers.

Grant helps transform teacher prep

Idaho is using a $237,000 grant to develop pilot programs and refine standards and certifications for future teachers in Idaho’s colleges and universities.

Back to the bargaining table

Will this year’s K-12 education budget make for smoother labor negotiations?