The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.
2014 session: the candidates weigh in
The five candidates to succeed Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna sharply disagree about the just-completed legislative session.
Otter signs pieces of the K-12 budget
Still sitting on Gov. Butch Otter’s desk: a bill to provide teachers a 1 percent raise and $15.8 million in leadership premiums. Otter has until April 4 to act on the bill.
Garden Valley names new superintendent
Marc Gee comes from Eastern Idaho’s Sugar-Salem schools — where he graduated high school, and returned to teach and work as a principal, assistant principal and federal programs director.
Students begin taking Common Core test
A handful of districts began administering the new Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium tests this week. In most districts, testing will begin after April 1.
State education officials hitting the road
The Education Department’s annual post-legislative tour will focus on issues ranging from teacher leadership premiums to broadband and WiFi systems.
Otter, Luna praise legislative focus on schools
Otter says lawmakers fulfilled his goals for education, while Democrats said not nearly enough work was done this year.
Session ends with a flurry of activity
Several key K-12 education bills passed on the final day of the 2014 legislative session.
An anatomy of the 2014 session
Do you have questions from the just-concluded 2014 session? We have answers.
Your guide to being an informed Idahoan
This is must-have stuff, including a link to our Bill Tracker, where you can find how lawmakers voted on education bills. Also inside: Links to finding out who your lawmakers are, data about your school and news about the May primary election.
House passes K-12 budget bills
Democrats lead opposition to the school budget bills, saying the state still lags 2009 spending levels by more than $100 million.