
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Statehouse news: Charter rankings jump

Idaho made substantial gains in a national report that grades states on their charter school laws.

Obama renews push for pre-K funding

During Tuesday’s State of the Union address, President Obama said Congress should help “make high-quality pre-K available to every 4-year-old.”

GOP candidate had third-party ties

Republican state schools superintendent candidate John Eynon recently stepped down from a state officer’s post with the Constitution Party. The party’s acting chairman says Eynon reneged on running under the third party’s banner.

Education listening session adjourns early

The meeting ended 45 minutes early after only six people wanted to testify. Education chairman says that “gives me some comfort we might be moving in the right direction.”

Luna’s announcement: reactions

House Speaker Scott Bedke said Luna’s decision to step aside after this term illustrates the state’s commitment to implementing the 20 recommendations from an education reform task force.

Luna’s election announcement, Storified

It was an eventful and surprising day in Idaho political and education circles. Here’s a quick, real-time look at how the story went down Monday.

Luna won’t seek re-election

For the past year, Luna had told reporters he was planning to seek a third term. His surprise announcement could throw the state superintendent’s race wide open.

Video: Luna’s election news conference

On Monday, state superintendent Tom Luna said he will not seek re-election in 2014 — in part, because he believes election-year politics could undermine a rare chance at education reform.

Today’s joint session is for public testimony

Anyone is welcome to speak about anything education related — except Idaho Core Standards. The governor’s task force recommendations are the preferred topic.

Jensen kicks off state superintendent campaign

The award-winning principal and former teacher from American Falls will run in the May 20 Republican primary where he will face John Eynon.