
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Negotiating school districts turn to mediators

Twin Falls teachers and district officials were able to work quickly once they sat down with a mediator July 2. Across the state in the Bonneville Joint School district, talks are on hold until late August.

Common Core readiness: Idaho’s grades mixed

Idaho gets middle-of-the-pack grades in a new national study on the Common Core transition. However, according to the report, “no state is performing as well as we need it to.”

Common Core training ramps up in Boise

The state contracted with Discovery Education to help teachers develop strategies to use Discovery’s educational media and technology in their teaching of Idaho Core Standards.

Public lands committee will meet in August

Will the Idaho Legislature demand the transfer of federal lands — putting 5 percent of the proceeds from lands sales into the public school endowment? A legislative committee will meet Aug. 9 to hold its first meeting on the issue.

Nampa teachers bring retention to forefront

With teacher turnover rates projected at 18 to 20 percent, about 100 Nampa teachers and community members rallied and crammed into Tuesday night’s School Board meeting. Labor negotiations are scheduled to resume next week.

Teach for America’s rollout in Idaho

The nonprofit group places new college graduates in impoverished schools, and has an aggressive growth plan. Teach for America hopes to place 30 teachers in Idaho in 2014-15, according to the group director working on the rollout.

A closer look at the 81 pilot applications

ED News reviews all 81 applications and finds iPads were requested more than any other piece of technology and funding proposals ranged from about $8,000 to nearly $900,000.

Paul school seeks Plan B for iPad funding

The rural elementary school — a laboratory in the debate over deploying technology in the classroom — did not make the cut for a share of $3 million in state technology grants.

Kids to study with NASA experts this summer

A week-long academy for Idaho students offers them the opportunity to work along side experts in the fields of science, technology and engineering.

Eleven schools share $3 million tech grants

The grant recipients, announced Monday, were chosen from a field of 81 applicants. “It was very, very competitive,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna said Monday.