
The latest and breaking news and investigative reports about Idaho public education.

Boise trustees agree to phase out mask mandate

The new health and safety plan takes effect after Spring Break. It restores visitor protocols and school activities.

Statehouse roundup, 2.14.2021: Full-day kindergarten funding bill emerges

INSIDE: A new resolution decries “critical race theory” and “divisive content…appearing in school curriculum across the nation” that “seeks to disregard the history of the United States and the nation’s journey to becoming a pillar of freedom in the world.”

Not all charter schools bus kids or provide free and reduced-price meals

The lack of services plays into the broader debate surrounding Idaho’s charters — how willing and capable the schools are to serve students equitably.

Education news from across Idaho

The state is accepting Teacher of the Year nominations, and awards are in full swing for students.

Charter commission orders online school to close permanently

Another Choice Virtual Charter School must shut down for good by June 30, 2022, after state leaders flagged several issues there last year.

Statehouse roundup, 2.11.14: New bill would make enrollment-based funding shift permanent

MORE INSIDE: A bill restricting “repeat” bond issues is headed to the House floor, and a Powerball bill makes its debut.

Analysis: Playing the role of the fun parent, Little ramps up his re-election run

While Gov. Brad Little travels the state to tout the treats of a $1.9 billion surplus, his chief Republican rival, Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, is stuck in the Capitol, doing the daily chores of presiding over the state Senate.

Statehouse roundup, 2.10.22: Senate OKs $50 million education grant proposal

“We can invest in education by investing directly in our parents and our students,” said Sen. Lori Den Hartog, R-Meridian, the Empowering Parents Grants bill’s sponsor.

Statehouse roundup, 2.9.22: Mask mandate ban clears House committee

Favorable testimony included unsubstantiated claims about masks and the coronavirus that received no direct pushback. In other news, career-technical programs are in line for a short-term budget boost.

Nampa accepting applications for open trustee seat

The deadline to apply is Feb. 22 and interested patrons must live in Zone 2.