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Transgender athletics bill clears its first legislative hurdle
Rep. Barbara Ehardt says her “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act” is designed to ban transgender women from participating in women’s sports. Wednesday’s first hearing on the bill split along partisan lines.
House Education trashes task force’s social-emotional learning recommendation
Afterwards, state superintendent Sherri Ybarra accused some legislators of turning the issue into a political football.
Analysis: A showdown over Idaho’s real school Election Day
It’s March — when school districts are most likely to seek bonds and levies and when they have the best odds of passing. So, House Bill 393 could be the most important education bill of the session.
House Education repeals English, math and science standards
The debate now shifts to the Senate Education Committee, which won’t act until next week.
House Education repeals teacher certification standards
Also, the committee abruptly adjourned before taking any action on math, science or English standards.
Analysis: Dual credit — and a point of diminishing returns
Idaho’s advanced opportunities program is growing, and lawmakers will consider a record $20 million budget for next year. But college go-on numbers are static — even as more students take advantage of the dual-credit programs.
Statehouse roundup, 1.30.20: House calls for waiting period on failed bond issues
A bill that would force school districts to wait at least 11 months to reintroduce a failed a bond issue is headed to the Senate.
Statehouse roundup, 1.23.20: Ybarra pitches 5.3 percent increase for K-12
The biggest driver of Ybarra’s 2021 budget is a $40 million proposal to increase pay for veteran teachers.
School savings surpass $323 million
Increased state funding accompanies added savings for school districts and charter schools across Idaho.