Top News
Analysis: Idaho scores well … on an education metric Idaho no longer cares about
Remember the “60% goal?” Idaho’s leaders have all but forgotten it. But the latest numbers are actually encouraging — and they have quite a bit to say.
Statehouse roundup, 2.8.23: School election consolidation heads to House floor
In other news, a bill to require a financial literacy course is headed to the House floor.
Statehouse roundup, 2.7.23: Idaho Launch ignites dispute on Senate floor
In other news, district superintendents reported to lawmakers on the good — and bad — happening in their schools and communities.
Idaho universities ponder ways to absorb inflation costs, for now
In the short term, students should not expect to see any changes on campus, but the long-term outlook is not as clear.
State commission reprimands teachers for offensive comments, physical altercation
The commission revoked and suspended eight educators’ licenses for a range of violations.
Governor touts family grants as solution for school choice
But as Idaho leaders push to make the Empowering Parents grant program permanent, the initiative still has first-year problems to iron out.
Statehouse roundup, 1.31.23: Post-high school incentive program clears a hurdle; school choice bill introduced
In other news: A House committee introduces a bill to eliminate March and August school elections.
Statehouse roundup, 1.30.23: Blaine Amendment repeal introduced
In other news, a House committee introduced a bill that would ban the use of student identification cards as voter ID.
Running the numbers from Education Week
A week of education budget presentations generates a lot of statistics. Here are some takeaway numbers.
Gooding teachers embrace change, achieve notable turnaround
Gooding Middle School test scores went from one of the worst performing in Idaho to one of the highest achieving for underserved schools.