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Analysis: A long-term enrollment challenge looms for Idaho higher ed

The birth rate is dropping, in Idaho and across the country. That adds up to increased competition for a shrinking pool of potential college students.

State leaders begin closure protocols for embattled charter school

“It’s a process that hasn’t been used in a long time, and hopefully won’t be used for a long time to come, but we are working to protect student and taxpayer interests as best we can,” one state charter school leader said.

As higher ed wrestles with inflation, a tuition increase could be looming

The pressures of inflation might jeopardize new higher ed program requests — but Gov. Brad Little’s budget chief says new programs are still in play.

Analysis: Where money mattered in the May elections. And where it didn’t.

Fundraising allowed some successful statewide candidates to dominate the airwaves. A few challengers ran spendy races and unseated Statehouse incumbents. But in some legislative races, outside political groups might have played a bigger and more far-reaching role.

A ‘crisis:’ A grim State Board looks at the looming teacher shortage

Linda Clark — a State Board member and career K-12 educator — said the unprecedented shortage will hit rural schools the hardest. “I wish we could just say this morning, ‘Here’s the solution,’ …. We really have to put our thinking caps on here.”

West Ada trustees OK’d a 20% raise for superintendent

Trustees approved a new contract for Derek Bub on April 11, board minutes show. But the approval followed no discussion and was included in the meeting’s consent agenda, which trustees typically use to OK a cluster of non-controversial items through a single vote.

Analysis: As a nervous summer begins, schools scramble to fill job vacancies

Idaho schools have at least 700 teacher vacancies — and a scarcity of qualified applicants. Said one administrator, “The crisis that we have been talking about for the last 10 years is here.”

Superintendent shuffles: hiring news from across Idaho

At least 11 Idaho school districts and charter schools will start next school year with new leaders in place, and two are still searching.

Nampa trustees want new policy for removing books

They directed Interim Superintendent Greg Russell to develop a new process over the summer, after their May decision to remove 22 books earned national attention.

Uvalde shooting’s impacts on Idaho poised to play out over summer break, and beyond

“We’re still learning what happened,” said Guy Bliesner, a regional analyst for Idaho’s school safety and security program, which reviews and recommends safety protocols at Idaho’s public K-12 campuses.