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Critchfield celebrates victory in the superintendent’s GOP primary

She told EdNews Wednesday morning, “I’m relieved and excited.”

Little rolls in GOP primary; Bedke, Labrador, McGrane lead in final state count

Tuesday’s vote brought to an end an often-bitter battle within the Republican Party. Across the state and up and down the ticket, mainstream Republicans and hardline conservatives sought to seize control of the state’s prevailing political party.

Analysis: What the sunshine reports tell us (and don’t tell us) about the election

In the absence of independent polling, campaign finance reports are the closest thing Idaho political junkies have to a black box. But they’re not a perfect tool to predict winners and losers.

The Nate-Raybould battle nears a resolution: Election Day

The race for a Rexburg House seat is one in a batch of legislative matchups pitting hardliners against mainstream Republicans ahead of the May 17 Republican primary.

These legislative primaries could swing the balance of power in the Statehouse

With the May 17 primaries looming, let’s recap, and link to some coverage of these elections.

Critchfield, Durst and Ybarra’s collision course runs through local GOPs

In the fight for the Republican nomination to be Idaho’s next schools chief, local GOP central committees have served as both battlegrounds and campaign allies.

‘Non-functioning’ no more? State Board fills out troubled NIC board

Retired ophthalmologist David Wold, former state senator John Goedde and local human resources director Pete Broschet will round out North Idaho College’s shorthanded board of trustees. Their terms run through November.

‘North Idaho College is in trouble, and that’s why we’re all here:’ Applicants interview for board vacancies

The State Board of Education plans to appoint and swear in three new trustees Friday — moves that could shift the balance of power at the embattled Coeur d’Alene community college.

Analysis: Idaho’s two Republican parties head into open combat

This probably won’t be the last public showdown between the GOP’s mainstream and hardline factions. Both groups are likely to come out of the May 17 primary with enough wins to return to their corners, posture to their bases and speak the universal language of post-election spin.