Top News

Study: Idaho will need over 100 new schools by 2030

Some 42,000 students will have flooded Idaho by the end of the decade, a charter support group and a research firm say.

Nampa trustees appoint replacement after accepting superintendent’s resignation

Assistant superintendent Greg Russell takes over after Paula Kellerer’s abrupt exit.

Nampa superintendent Paula Kellerer resigns

The board has scheduled a special meeting for Saturday to accept the resignation and name an interim. INSIDE: Kellerer’s resignation letter.

Analysis: Idaho’s school building problems have been neglected for years

Because state officials consider school construction and maintenance a local responsibility, they’ve gotten careless with Idaho’s 46 million square feet of school buildings.

Statehouse roundup, 2.3.22: School employee health insurance boost heads to governor

The Idaho Senate easily passed a bill Thursday that would establish a fund to hold more money for school employees’ health insurance.

Sitting it out: Idaho’s college go-on rate falls once again

Only 37% of the state’s high school graduates went straight to college last fall — the lowest rate since at least 2014. State Board of Education officials aren’t exactly sure what happened.

Idaho Senate passes $600 million income tax bill without grocery tax repeal amendment

The largest tax cut in state history now heads to the governor’s desk.

Survey: Most Idahoans want full-day kindergarten

It’s the second survey this year that captures Idahoans overwhelming support for upping investments in Idaho’s youngest students.

Green defends U of I, blasts ‘conflict entrepreneurs’

On Friday, the University of Idaho released an independent report from a Boise law firm, which found no evidence of systemic indoctrination on campus.

Analysis: Of cannibalism and higher education budget bloodbaths

Gov. Brad Little has proposed a historic budget for Idaho’s four-year schools. But his proposal is just that: a proposal that will go before a skeptical Legislature.