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Analysis: The library logjam, and a budget debate that has nothing to do with dollars

The debate over $3.5 million in libraries overshadowed a bigger theme: The education budgets were a big win for Gov. Brad Little, and disastrous for the Idaho Freedom Foundation and its Statehouse disciples.

80-year-old war veteran takes on the Idaho Freedom Foundation

It’s a battle Jim Jones believes is critical to preserving education and democracy in Idaho. 

Analysis: Can Branden Durst win the superintendent’s race? It isn’t far-fetched

Branden Durst hopes to win the May 17 GOP state superintendent’s primary by running against all things Sherri Ybarra and Debbie Critchfield. Sometimes, a contrarian candidate wins in a closed Republican primary.

Statehouse roundup, 3.23.22: All-day kindergarten bill heads to Little’s desk

It was a busy Wednesday morning in the Senate. Several K-12 budget bills passed easily. A bill designed to get medical school graduates to return to Idaho passed by the narrowest of margins.

House OK’s K-12 budgets — including $104 million in teacher pay raises

A year ago, the House killed the first version of a teacher salary bill — as lawmakers aired concerns about indoctrination. This year’s version of the bill passed 65-4.

Idaho schools scramble to catch up with sexual harassment requirements

Title IX has long applied to the way schools should respond to allegations of sexual harassment and assault as a form of discrimination. But K-12 schools have been slow to catch on. 

Analysis: The races that will shape the 2023 Legislature

It’s dizzying. All 105 legislative seats are on the ballot this year, but some races have big implications. Here’s a scouting report.

House easily passes higher ed budget

Supporters say the $338 million budget will allow the four-year schools to freeze in-state tuition for a third straight year. Opponents again used the budget debate to decry campus diversity programs.

All-day kindergarten bill runs into trouble on House floor

The House quickly brought up one of Gov. Brad Little’s K-12 priorities Wednesday — then shut off debate before voting on the bill. “It was in trouble, I believe,” House Speaker Scott Bedke said afterwards.

Statehouse roundup, 3.16.22: School staff bonuses pass; rural teacher incentives head to Little’s desk

Lawmakers also approved allowing charter schools to award charter-specific teaching certificates to non-certified teachers who hold a bachelor’s degree. Those new teachers wouldn’t be able to teach in traditional schools.