
Mastery education: From design to implementation

Idaho has made exciting and substantial progress.

This book changed the way I interact with my kids

Join me in asking powerful questions of your principal.

Start early helping your teen plan for life after high school

There are plenty of resources available in Idaho but application process is much easier if done earlier.

Reader view: Candidates for governor differ on pre-K

The Republican candidates for governor are offering voters a range of opinions on whether the public education system should be expanded to include preschoolers. Supporters of government-funded early childhood education contend such taxpayer investments have proved their worth by getting children ready to succeed in school. Opponents contend research on whether government-funded prekindergarten pays off…

How important is it to make the team?

Some districts have a no-cut rule when it comes to sports participation. I would rather have my kids cut then ride the bench.

Research, ask questions and be an informed voter

Tuesday’s elections will have an impact on your taxes and local school funding.

Teachers at Dream Big encouraged me to pursue my passion

I have a lot of aspirations for myself, but I don’t always feel comfortable talking about them.

What do you do when you realize your child’s school is not a good fit?

What resources are available to parents who are shopping for a school that can best serve their children?

Preschool is not for everyone

I support families making their own choices about when to start their kids in school.

A plea for help … from an Idaho educator

Stop telling students that their success or failure is the result of “the system” and not their own efforts. We should always look for ways to improve education, but we can do it with integrity and enthusiasm.