
Tis the season for fundraising

I participate in and donate to a myriad of fundraising activities. How do you get involved with your school?

Kids should have a voice in their education

Most every student in Idaho (third through 12th grade) will be asked to complete a short online survey this spring. The survey will give students an opportunity to voice how they feel about their education. (Click here to read the details at IdahoEdNews.org) Some of the questions are: How often do your teachers seem excited…

Here’s what I learned about the college application process

I have a high school senior who wants to attend college after graduation. I want to help him pursue his education, so I contacted the high school counselor for a meeting. It took two tries, but she finally was able to meet with us. Here’s a list of what I learned from our meeting; All…

My morning madness

Different schools, different start times, navigating traffic … anyone else turn into a shuttle bus driver in the morning?

Student voice: Why education is important to Gov. Otter

Jorge Garcia, an eighth grader at Wilder Middle School, interviewed Gov. Butch Otter during Capitol for a Day.

Hi, I’m Melanie

I don’t know a lot about Idaho education policy. But I do have vast knowledge about bell schedules, lunch menus and dress codes. And, with seven kids, I have become an expert at homework. But doing homework with my kids is not enough. I want to know more about my kids’ education. I decided to…

Why we must try, try, try again to pass ‘adult completer’ scholarship

I seriously doubt students who have completed the equivalent of one year of college have it in their minds to drop out of school and then wait three years in hopes of qualifying for a scholarship.

Reader view: Now is the time for a new school funding formula

It is past time for Idaho to craft a plan that not only better meets the needs of today’s students, but is nimble enough to meet the needs of their children.

Reader view: Is a calendar shift in Boise educationally significant?

A great deal of scholarly thinking supports the many physical, mental and emotional benefits of giving young people more opportunities to explore, wonder and learn during all of Idaho’s long summer days.

Reader view: Support student loan forgiveness bill for rural teachers

Giving educators a chance to erase a big chunk of their student loan debt for working in rural school districts is a targeted incentive.